If you have recently cracked or broken one or more of your natural teeth, take this opportunity to speak with a trusted dental health professional about your options in repair. When you experience damage to your enamel, bacteria can start to invade the area, where they can take hold within the collection of soft tissue […]
The Many Advantages Of Invisalign®
If you have been holding off on your alignment treatment, what are you still waiting for? There is a nearly invisible form of orthodontic improvement available to you that can help you to look your best. Enhance your appearance with clear aligners from Invisalign® and discover the advantages that this treatment can bring. Our dental […]
Fighting Your Infection With A Root Canal
Have you begun to notice pain or discomfort in your smile? If so, it may come as a result of internal tooth infection. When this happens, you can start to experience a seriously painful toothache, and without treatment, this situation is likely to become worse in a hurry. You may need a root canal treatment […]
A Spring Cleaning For Your Whole Family
As a parent, ongoing oral maintenance is something that you need to plan for every member of your family. People of all ages need to see the dentist for a semiannual checkup at least twice each year, and it is up to you to ensure that your child receives the care that they need. We […]
Helping You Fight Periodontal Disease
Have you started to notice a change in your gumline? If you have begun to see or feel a difference in your smile, reach out to a qualified dental health professional about your options, as periodontal disease can cause serious complications. In fact, the infection and inflammation of gum tissue routinely identified as the leading […]
Our Options To Improve Your Look
As dentists, we have a dedication to the health needs of your smile first and foremost. But this practice of medicine is special, in that your oral health also plays a huge role in your ability to look your best. For this reason, it is vital any procedure takes into account the effect upon your […]
Improving Your Smile Quality With Repair
Since you do not have the ability to regrow your adult teeth, it is vital that you maintain a consistent level of care throughout your life. A major part of this comes through your home hygiene maintenance of brushing and flossing. Always be sure that you are taking enough time to clean your mouth twice […]
The Private Benefits Of Invisalign®
If you struggle with your alignment, you understand how far-reaching your condition can be. Every time you meet a new person, you might hide your condition with a different way of smiling or speaking. This can follow you through your life, in both your social and professional worlds. Speak with your trained dental health provider […]
Keep Up With Your Dental Maintenance
It can be easy to let time slip away from you in your dental appointments, but these visits are crucial to your long term smile success. There are two primary parts of your in-office care, including a visual examination as well as a dedicated cleaning of the structures of your mouth. Both of these aspects […]
Taking Technology To Heart
At My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, we aim to give you the best quality of care possible. One of the ways that we do this is through a significant investment into newer forms of technology. From the early diagnosis of conditions to advancement in treatment, we are dedicated to bringing you the best the market […]