A Merry And Bright Smile For The Holidays

bright smile londonderry nh

Are you ready to see your friends and family for the holiday season? If your smile is not as gorgeous as you would like it to be, it can put a damper on all of your Christmas celebrations. One common cause of unhappy smiles is the accumulation of enamel stains from the foods and beverages that you enjoy on a daily basis. Your dentist can help you to achieve a bright smile, while keeping the focus on your oral health.

With our team of cosmetic dentistry experts in Londonderry, NH, you can lift your stubborn stains with the help of a professional. By working alongside your dentist to whiten your teeth, you can take extra care in protecting your enamel, which can become weakened with overbleaching. Before you reach for a supermarket solution, set aside some time to meet with your dentist for an examination and talk about your options. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment!

Your Cleanings And Examinations Are A Gift For Your Teeth

If you have been holding off on your visits to the dentist, you are doing your smile a disservice. They deserve to be treated well, and this starts with your semiannual checkups at the dental office. Most people need these checkups every six months, so if it has been a bit since our last appointment, take the time to schedule your next examination before you attempt to whiten your teeth on your own.

Some forms of tooth discoloration can require a different method of treatment, and immediately bleaching them can cause undue stress on your enamel. This can lead to dentin sensitivity, which is a lasting condition, so you want to take care when whitening your teeth. By starting your journey with a visit to the dentist, you give yourself the gift of accurate information.

Unwrap A Bright Smile This Holiday Season

When you want to whiten your teeth with the help of a professional, we have an option that can give you the advantages of both in-office care and at-home treatment. With Phillips Zoom! whitening, your dentist can give you a treatment plan that is specifically designed for your smile.

The holiday season is the perfect time to start your journey, as well. Set up a time to talk and use the break to being a path toward a bright and beautiful smile. This way, you can go into the new year with a renewed focus on your oral health!

Discover Zoom! Whitening With My Dentist In Londonderry

Are you ready to achieve a merry and bright smile this holiday season? Schedule an appointment for a consultation with our team by calling My Dentist in Londonderry, NH at (603)965-3407!