Dental Crowns

With the right approach to care, a restored tooth enjoys more than just protection against further harm. A custom dental crown we place over your tooth can offer valuable bite support to preserve your dental function as well as a lifelike appearance that preserves your smile! Before proceeding with this or any other kind of care, we perform a thorough review of the tooth in question as well as provide information on what you can expect from treatment.

How A Custom Crown Protects Your Tooth

A custom dental crown fits over the tooth structure above the gumline. By completely covering the structure, it offers protection against bacteria as well as further physical trauma. We carefully examine the tooth both to take measurements needed to craft a custom restoration and to ensure that the material used matches its color to preserve how you look. Our measurements are gathered through the use of digital imaging tools that make this step more comfortable and remarkably precise!

Dental crowns are used to treat teeth affected by decay too severe for a dental filling, and for injuries that require more than just cosmetic services. For patients who need to replace a lost tooth, we can affix a custom crown to a dental implant to close a smile gap in a way that provides functional and cosmetic benefits.

Count On Your Londonderry, NH Dentist To Provide Your Dental Crown!

By taking care to provide crowns that are carefully shaped and sized for vulnerable teeth and made with a lifelike ceramic material, we can help you enjoy a remarkable recovery from oral health trouble. For more information on this approach to dental care, reach out to My Dentist in Londonderry, NH at 603-965-3407.