Losing an entire row of teeth can feel devastating, but this is a problem that can be effectively addressed when you plan the appropriate prosthetic treatment. While removable dentures can provide important support after this occurs, your satisfaction with your restoration can change gradually. Part of this is because jawbone deterioration that occurs after tooth […]
An Effective Response To Tooth Loss
How has tooth loss changed your quality of life? The immediate effect it has can impact your appearance as well as your ability to comfortably bite and chew food. Over time, this problem can create more issues for you. As you grow dependent on a modified bite to avoid the gap in your smile, you […]
Implant Dentistry And Dentures
If you have to rely on a denture to regain a row of teeth, what can you really expect in terms of comfort, bite strength, and long-term support? A removable denture may become less secure over time, not due to changes to the restoration itself but to your jawbone, which will lose density over time […]
Holding Restorations With Dental Implants
When you experience tooth loss, it can feel like your smile, and your ability to bite and chew, have been compromised permanently. While tooth loss can help with some of these concerns, you may have a difficult time adjusting to treatment with a restoration that is not properly secured. At our Londonderry, NH dentist’s office, […]
Implant Dentistry And Denture Support
The work to restore your full smile can take care of your concerns about your appearance after tooth loss, and it can improve your oral health. For many people, the right approach to prosthetic work will call for the placement of dental implants to hold permanent restorations. You may be surprised to know that you […]
Relying On Implants To Hold Dentures
With a set of dentures, you can have your full smile back thanks to the presence of a single restoration that replaces some or even all of your upper or lower teeth. While a removable denture has lasting benefits, one that can be taken out can feel less secure when it comes to biting and […]
Dental Implants And Your Smile Recovery
Losing teeth can impact you in many ways. It may be difficult for you to single out the worst consequence of having an incomplete smile, but many people feel anxious and unhappy with the way this oral health issue affects their appearance. When you look into restorative services, you can find that implant dentistry makes […]
Make The Move To Implant-Held Dentures
It can be a relief to receive your custom denture. This appliance provides a durable, attractive replacement for a row of teeth, which can restore your confidence as it restores your smile. With that said, you may feel less than thrilled over time with a denture that is not fixed in place. The lack of […]
Implant Dentistry And Severe Tooth Loss
Losing one tooth can be troubling enough, but the problem of tooth loss can grow even more severe when several are missing. If you have multiple gaps in your smile, or if all of your teeth in a row are missing, it can be difficult to eat certain foods, which can limit your diet in […]
Holding A Denture With Dental Implants
Receiving a custom denture means regaining a complete smile. This can make you look younger and healthier, which can give you an important raise in confidence. With that said, you may be unsure about what else your restoration can do for you? What will treatment do for your ability to bite and chew? Will your […]