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What You Gain From Switching To Implant-Held Dentures

When dentures are necessary for restoring a person’s smile, they make it possible to give someone their full smile with a single restoration. With a removable denture, you can regain your smile while also enjoying practical support from treatment. Over time, however, you can grow concerned as your denture starts to feel less secure. You […]

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Lost Confidence In Your Smile? Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help

Over time, changes can gradually occur that worsen and make you feel self-conscious about your smile. You can continue to accumulate teeth stains, or experience issues with wear and tear that have changed their shape of your teeth, which can lead to feelings of discomfort. When these problems accumulate, your Londonderry, NH dentist’s office can […]

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3 Common Smile Flaws That Porcelain Veneers Can Address

Porcelain veneers can prove effective in response to a number of different issues that make people self-conscious about the way they look. These custom restorations are carefully made to cover the front surfaces of teeth, blending in while hiding the flaws that have made you interested in cosmetic dental work. At our Londonderry, NH dentist’s […]

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Can Cosmetic Dentistry Work For Poorly Spaced Teeth?

If you feel self-conscious because your teeth are not properly spaced, you can begin looking into your options for cosmetic treatment. As you explore your treatment options, you can learn that your spacing issues may not require orthodontic work. With porcelain veneers, our Londonderry, NH dentist’s office may be able to hide gaps and overlaps […]

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