Can Cosmetic Dentistry Work For Poorly Spaced Teeth?

If you feel self-conscious because your teeth are not properly spaced, you can begin looking into your options for cosmetic treatment. As you explore your treatment options, you can learn that your spacing issues may not require orthodontic work. With porcelain veneers, our Londonderry, NH dentist’s office may be able to hide gaps and overlaps so that they no longer hurt the way you look. These custom restorations are able to hide a variety of flaws, which means they can be employed effectively against a variety of different issues. Because veneers are made from porcelain, they can hold up remarkably well through the years and provide lasting results.

How Concerned Are You About The Alignment Of Your Teeth?

Even if the issues are only minor, alignment flaws can make people self-conscious. Gaps and overlaps can affect the symmetry of your smile, and they can draw unwelcome attention to your appearance. What can be particularly frustrating is when teeth shift after past orthodontic work. This can happen to adults who had corrective treatment previously and have not kept up with their retainer.

Covering Gaps And Overlaps With Custom Veneers

Porcelain veneers are effective when used against a variety of cosmetic flaws. They can be relied on to hide discoloration even when a teeth whitening treatment proves ineffective. They can also restore the appearance of teeth that have been damaged due to bruxism or physical trauma, and they give you a means of correcting naturally occurring flaws with their shape and size. For patients who have concerns about malocclusion, it may be possible to hide gaps and overlaps with veneers that are specially designed to give you the appearance of straight, symmetrical teeth!

Reviewing All Of Your Options For Cosmetic Treatment

Because veneers can be used under so many circumstances, they can be recommended for patients with many different concerns. With that said, they are not always the treatment recommended to patients who have grown self-conscious about the way they look. For example, they may not be what you want if your only goal is to brighten teeth that are affected by stains. At our office, we can actually offer cosmetic work in the form of Botox and dermal fillers, which can improve your smile by keeping it free of wrinkles around your mouth!

Talk To Your Londonderry, NH Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry

Patients who want to cover smile gaps and overlaps can find that cosmetic treatment is capable of changing the way they look. Through the placement of porcelain veneers, we can cover these flaws and give you a renewed sense of excitement over your appearance. To learn more about this procedure, or to discuss other treatments that can benefit you, please contact our Londonderry, NH dental office at 603-965-3407.