The Right Preventive Care Can Help You Avoid Tooth Loss

Happy smiling woman with healthy teethAre you doing enough today to avoid problems with tooth loss in the future? Your current behaviors can have more of a long-term impact on your smile, and your general health, than you might expect. By consistently practicing good oral hygiene, you can effectively protect yourself against gum disease. In addition to affecting your potential risk for certain general health issues, complications from periodontal problems can lead to tooth loss. At our Londonderry, NH dentist’s office, patients can count on preventive care that will keep them safe against infection, as well as against problems with tooth decay. If you have already lost at least one tooth, we can recommend prosthodontic work in order to restore your smile and lower your risk for future losses.

Gum Disease And Tooth Loss – What Connects Them?

Gum disease can grow serious, and hard to treat, if it is not dealt with in time. When gingivitis becomes an issue, there is time to restore the health of your periodontal tissues. However, if you do not act in time, it is possible that the infection will worsen, which can lead to permanent concerns about the health of your gum tissues. One problem with advanced gum disease is that it can lead to the destruction of the tissues supporting your teeth, which can result in tooth loss!

How Can You Preserve Your Periodontal Health?

The work you are putting into your smile care routine can help you protect yourself against gingivitis. Make sure that when you clean your teeth, you take care to brush and floss at your gum line. By doing so, you remove the bacteria buildup that can cause an infection. It is recommended that patients brush at least two times a day while also flossing at least once. To make sure you reach every area of your smile, commit to brushing for at least two minutes.

To confirm that your smile is healthy, you should attend regular dental exams as often as possible. After an evaluation, your dentist can let you know if there are signs of gingivitis, a periodontal cleaning can be performed.

Replace Missing Teeth To Avoid Further Losses

The teeth at either side of a gap caused by tooth loss have less support, and are therefore more susceptible to loosening and becoming lost. This is one of many reasons a person should consider prosthetic dental work if they have an incomplete smile. We offer different solutions for tooth loss, including restorative work that relies on the placement of dental implants.

Our Londonderry, NH Dentist’s Office Can Help Patients Protect Their Smiles

Your Londonderry, NH dentist’s office has experience restoring smiles by performing prosthetic dental work, and we can offer support to help you preserve your teeth over time! To find out more, please call My Dentist in Londonderry at 603-965-3407.