Tooth loss could lead to major issues with the appearance, function, and even the overall health of your smile. Instead of traditional bridges or removable dentures, we can offer a more stable and long-lasting option with dental implants. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist talks about placing dental implants.
The Reasons to Seek Tooth Replacement
You should see us when you lose a tooth, as even a single missing tooth could be a serious cause for concern. When you lose teeth, the body will notice the missing root and respond by suspending or diverting the flow of nutrients to the area around the lost root. Over time, this weakens the bone structure to cause further tooth loss and for some, an older appearance. Missing teeth also complicate how you eat, speak, and how you feel in social situations. But our team can offer a replacement option that also keeps your smile and facial structure intact, with results that can last for decades to come or possibly a lifetime. You should consider dental implants.
The Stability of Our Dental Implants
Unlike traditional tooth replacement options, these don’t depend on crowns, clasps, or suction to stay in place. Instead, we will insert a biocompatible titanium post into the jaw. This implant then acts like a new root and stimulates the growth of structure to ensure your new tooth can stay in place for years to come and to prevent an aged appearance or additional missing teeth. We will guide their placement with advanced digital imaging, and choose the best angles, positions, and depths to insert them. Our team can offer an individual one, or use several to secure bridges or dentures.
Ensuring a Lifelike Appearance
Once your post or posts are in place, we can complete your new tooth. For an individual dental implant, our team can offer a crown that looks natural and blends with the smile, while also absorbing daily bite forces and pressures. If you have multiple missing teeth, we could attach a custom bridge or even a full set of new teeth to the post, so you have a complete smile again with results that look natural and reflect your unique facial structure. If you have any questions about how our team will take one tooth loss with our advanced and lifelike dental implants, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you obtain a full and beautiful smile in 2025, one that can last for years to come.
Schedule An Appointment for Implant Dentistry
We want to help you enjoy new teeth that look and function like natural teeth. You can schedule an appointment with the team at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, today by calling 603-965-3407.