How We Brighten Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry

londonderry cosmetic dentistry
londonderry cosmetic dentistry

Do you wish you had a brighter smile? If so, we can offer dramatic results with professional teeth whitening. As part of our approach to cosmetic dentistry, we have treatments you can use at-home or in the office to remove unsightly discoloration. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist takes a look at cosmetic whitening treatments.

The Causes Of Your Teeth Stains

What causes our teeth to develop unsightly yellow and brown stains? For some, this could be due to tobacco use, such as cigarettes. If you consume beverages with dark pigments, such as soda, coffee, tea, and red wine, this could also discolor your smile. Foods with sugar and starch could encourage plaque buildup, which makes stains more visible. Lack of proper brushing and flossing, and infrequent professional cleanings, could also mean discoloration. As part of our treatment, we will carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and severity of your teeth stains, and to choose the right whitening treatment for you.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Our team can provide stunning results in as little as one hour with our in-office teeth whitening treatment. The process is simple. Our team will place a protective covering on your lips and gums, and then apply a powerful bleaching gel to the teeth. The bleaching ingredients in the gel will then be activated with a special light, which breaks up and removes teeth stains. Smiles could be noticeably brighter after one visit, and you can make changes to your daily routine to help these results last, such as better brushing and flossing habits, healthier meals, and visits for cleanings every six months.

Take-Home Whitening Treatment

Our take-home teeth whitening treatment can also brighten smiles by several shades, sometimes as many as eight. You stop by our office just long enough for our team to take impressions of your smile and create a set of custom plastic trays. We then send the trays and several plastic syringes of bleaching gel home with you. At home, you fill the trays with gel and wear them for a set amount of time, usually between 30 and 45 minutes a day. The entire treatment process only takes one to two weeks, and you can keep the trays and any leftover gel for touch-ups in the months to come as necessary.

If you have any questions about how we brighten smiles with cosmetic dentistry, or if you want to start teeth whitening today, then contact our team right away to get started!

Schedule a Visit for Cosmetic Dentistry!

With professional teeth whitening, our team can offer cosmetic treatment to brighten smiles and help you feel more confident! Give us a call at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH at (603)965-3407 today.