Improving Your Smile Quality With Repair

Woman Londonderry NHSince you do not have the ability to regrow your adult teeth, it is vital that you maintain a consistent level of care throughout your life. A major part of this comes through your home hygiene maintenance of brushing and flossing. Always be sure that you are taking enough time to clean your mouth twice each day, as bacterial buildup of plaque and tartar contribute to tooth decay. If you currently skip your flossing, it is a significant part of your care; after all, you can develop cavities on all sides of your teeth.

At My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, we are available for all of your smile needs. Take some time to speak with a trusted dental health provider about the areas where you are not able to fully care for your mouth. If you have areas in which your enamel has become damaged, reach out to a dentist quickly, so that you can find a repair. From dental fillings to crowns, there is an accessible form of treatment to suit your particular needs!

Start Your Journey With Your Regular Cleaning And Examination

The first place to start in your path to a higher quality smile is through your semiannual checkup with a provider. Patients of all ages should see a professional at least twice each year, yet a large portion of the population in this country is missing out on their care. Buck this trend with dedicated visits with a dentist, so that you can keep an eye on the development of any problems.

During your visual examination, you will receive helpful tips on how to better improve your care. The mouth has areas that may be difficult to clean on your own, particularly if you struggle with misalignment and malocclusion. When your teeth overlap, you might have trouble cleaning between them. Take advantage of this time with your dentist, and ask about all of your options.

Work Quickly To Avoid Infection Within Your Tooth

The repair of your enamel is vital for a few reasons, as this material takes on multiple roles. When you have a cavity or a break in your tooth, softer dentin is exposed to the elements. Bacteria can rapidly progress to the soft tissue underneath, which can lead to a nagging toothache. For cavities, a tooth-colored filling can serve as protection from the development of infection. Dental crowns are another form of helpful repair, through a durable cap that permanently rests atop your natural tooth.

Protecting Your Smile In Londonderry, NH

Call us at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH at 603-965-3407 for more information or to schedule your appointment for the repair of your damaged enamel. From fillings and crowns to more, we are here to help you fight your ongoing battle against infection!