The Important Roles of Routine Dental Exams

Dental exams and cleanings are synonymous with excellent dental health, though not everyone keeps their schedule of appointments as consistent as they should. In many ways, this is a contributing factor to why chronic conditions like tooth decay and gum disease are still so prevalent. By professionally removing plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums, you have a better chance of preventing such conditions. In addition to cleaning and inspecting your teeth, however, routine dental visits allow your dentist to thoroughly check for any signs of trouble before they become obvious and address them with minimally invasive treatment.

Preventing the Need for Extensive Treatment

When you wait to treat a condition like tooth damage or tooth decay, the condition can worsen over time. By the time you do treat it, your dentist may have to remove a significant amount of decay from within the tooth and restore it with a dental crown. Instead of waiting until you notice it yourself, your dentist can detect them during your regular dental exams, helping you avoid the need for complex or extensive restoration.

Maintaining Your Overall Wellbeing

Besides checking the health and integrity of your teeth, your dentist will also thoroughly inspect your periodontal and oral tissues to check for signs of gum disease, oral cancer, and more. With strong links to health conditions like heart disease and diabetes, gum disease can be a significant risk to your systemic wellbeing if it’s allowed to develop. Likewise, detecting and treating oral cancer as early as possible offers the best chance of successful recovery.

Schedule Your Next Dental Exam and Cleaning

As a vital part of keeping your smile healthy and beautiful, routine dental exams and cleanings play several important roles in your long-term oral health. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling the My Dentist office in Londonderry, NH, today at (603) 965-3407.