Why Sleep Apnea Is Different Than Snoring

Snoring is an embarrassing condition – sleep apnea is a potentially dangerous one. Sleep apnea can seem like particularly heavy snoring to some. However, this condition is doing more than just making someone a noisy sleeper. If you suffer from this issue, you are actually losing sleep throughout the night. Your sleep cycle is continually broken, and you are being deprived of the important health benefits you should be enjoying from a night’s rest. Patients with sleep apnea are vulnerable to issues like heart disease, struggle to feel rested and alert during the day, and can have existing mental issues aggravated. Your dentist can treat you in order to prevent your condition from continuing to cause health concerns.

The Sleep Apnea Treatment Your Dentist Provides

Your dentist provides sleep apnea treatment that does not involve a CPAP machine, the method of treatment many associate with sleep apnea. A custom-made oral appliance can be supplied to you, which you will insert before retiring to bed for the night. The appliance provides support by keeping your airways open while you sleep. This means your body will not have to awaken to clear them, which breaks your sleep cycle.

What Else Can Your Dentist Do For You?

If you think of your dentist as someone who just helps you with cavities, you could be missing out on important care. At a regular dental checkup, your dentist will look for gum disease, as well as signs of problems like bruxism and TMJ issues. This thorough review of your oral health helps you stay free of several potential problems that can affect you.

Talk To My Dentist In Londonderry, NH About Sleep Apnea

If you are dealing with sleep apnea, prolonging care can put you at risk of potentially serious health troubles. You can receive help with this condition at My Dentist in Londonderry, NH, and enjoy relief without the use of a CPAP machine, which many patients can find uncomfortable. At My Dentist, your oral health and quality of life are our biggest concern. To schedule a consultation with one of our experts, call the My Dentist office in Londonderry, NH, today at (603) 965-3407.