Repair Your Tooth With Dental Fillings

Londonderry, NH, dentist offers tooth fillings

In a recent blog, we discussed root canal treatments. This procedure may be necessary if you have a severely decayed tooth or infection. The need for this more invasive treatment may be avoided if your cavity is treated as soon as possible. In today’s blog, your Londonderry, NH, dentist is here to discuss when a tooth should be filled.

Avoid Cavities With Proper Prevention

Cavities are a common dental problem for patients of all ages, but they can be prevented with a good oral hygiene routine and consistent checkups. At home, remember to brush and floss at least twice a day, or between meals if possible. This step helps get rid of food particles and avoids plaque buildup. Every six months, you can see your dentist for a cleaning and examination where plaque can be removed, and your oral cavity will be examined for signs of decay or other concerns. Additional measures like fluoride treatments and sealants may be offered to younger patients to help reduce the chances of cavities.

Know The Signs Of Tooth Decay

Cavities can often develop without us noticing, which is why it is important to see your dentist regularly for an examination. You may be able to spot a cavity if your pearly white has a noticeable change in texture or a visible hole, or you notice that you have persistently bad breath even after brushing your teeth. A lingering pain or feeling of discomfort after eating certain foods may also be a sign of a cavity. Your dentist can spot cavities during your biannual examination with X-rays or other images. It’s important to catch decay early on so that it can be reversed before a full cavity forms, or the cavity can be treated promptly.

Have Cavities Treated Promptly

If your dentist notices signs of decay, they will recommend that you come in for a tooth filling as soon as possible. This is a minimally invasive restoration that involves removing the decayed part of your pearly white and adding a stronger material in its place. Dental fillings help protect your pearly whites from further damage and decay. If this is not done promptly, the cavity can continue to wear away your dental structure and can cause discomfort and sensitivity. In cases of more severe cavities, you may need a root canal or tooth extraction to relieve this pain. These treatments are more invasive than a dental filling, so try to get your smile restored as soon as possible so you do not need more extensive dental procedures.

Talk To Our Team Today

Reduce the need for more extensive dental care by restoring your tooth with a dental filling. To schedule an appointment with My Dentist in Londonderry, NH call (603)965-3407.