3 Reasons You Might Be Having Issues With Biting And Chewing

When you enjoy good oral health, biting and chewing will typically not be an issue. Often, trouble with these routine dental functions can serve as a warning that you may need to bring an issue to your dentist’s attention. They can examine your teeth and jaws, make a determination as to what the problem might be, and recommend the appropriate restorative dental treatment. Functional limitations could be a result of isolated tooth pain, or from more general discomfort caused by TMJ dysfunction, or bruxism. It should be noted that when you stay on top of regular dental visits, you can have problems recognized and treated in earlier stages, before you experience more significant discomfort.

1. Complications From TMJ Dysfunction And Bruxism

If your biting and chewing troubles stem from pain in your jaws (or if you experience pains in your face and neck), you could be dealing with trouble caused by TMJ dysfunction. Patients with this issue can find it harder to eat and speak, and may have ongoing problems with chronic pain. Your problem may also be related to bruxism – patients with TMJ issues can develop a tendency to grind their teeth, and cause more problems. Your dentist can use an oral appliance to treat the matter.

2. An Untreated Cavity Or Dental Injury

If isolated tooth pain is making you adjust how you bite and chew, you may be facing symptoms of an untreated cavity, or dental injury. If a problem with your tooth affects your pulp, you could be struggling with pain because of an infection that attacks the tooth’s living tissues. This can require a root canal treatment.

3. A Missing Tooth

Are you frustrated with the effect tooth loss has on your ability to eat? Patients sometimes hesitate to replace a missing tooth that is not as visible in their smile, but any tooth loss can create frustrating issues for you.

Talk To My Dentist In Londonderry, NH About Addressing A Problem With Your Dental Function

You deserve to feel confident in your smile, and you should enjoy comfortable dental functions. If you struggle with either of these, My Dentist in Londonderry, NH can help! If you would like to learn more, schedule a consultation with one of our experts by calling the My Dentist office in Londonderry, NH, today at (603) 965-3407.